Sunday, June 8, 2014

Unplanned drive to PA

When I woke up this morning it was pouring out. it wasn't a hard pour just one of those light sounding pours with soft thunder. I woke up like when your a kid in elementary school and your mom comes in and sits softly on your bed and gently rubs your back. It was glorious in all senses. I got up got dressed made cinnamon rolls that I didn't burn (finally!) and I set out to the Kroger down the street. When I left, I turned right instead of going straight. I had time to explore a little and since I didn't really know where I was living I decided to just drive.

I drove for thirty minutes and ended up somewhere called cheat lake, I got out and took some pictures, then I got back in the car and off I went. I drove for an hour and a half stopping a long the way to get pictures of different places. This was all so different from Florida, the buildings, the roads, the smells. I got to see a total of 3 (alive) deer. On my way back I saw these giant windmills that are used to generate energy. I've only ever seen them in a science textbook that had writing in it. Seeing them in action was a wicked experience. 

Everything was so green and beautiful.

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