Sunday, June 8, 2014

I'm Doing a Thing.

I'm not too sure why I'm starting this blog, I've started millions of others and I've never kept up on them. I never once went back to them. I think its because I look at it as part of my "childhood" that was stupid and needs to be buried deep in the ground with Elvis and Marilyn. Let's just get this dumb introduction over with so you can identify with me in some way or another. I'm twenty-one years old, I recently moved to WV and as much as I think I have my life in order, I truly do not. I'm a star wars addict, and as much as I'm very happy about the movies, I firmly believe the mouse should have just 'let it go'. The most important thing you need to know is that I don't care what others think. It's taken me twenty-one years to figure out that as long as you care about yourself, you don't care what others think or believe. I'm unsure if this makes me a bitch, but if it does, I gladly accept that title. My dad always told to me "hold my head high, don't look at the ground that makes you an easy target." Its hard when you are like seven and going threw your first friendship breakup, but I found that when I held my head high everyone hated you more because you wouldn't give them the satisfaction of being bullied. what I'm trying to say is, don't give anyone the satisfaction of bringing you down, show them how tall you really are.

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