Friday, November 28, 2014

Rejection isn't all bad! Let it fuel the fire.

               I've never put myself out there to the world. What I mean is that I don't do much unless I know for a fact that I will get it. I never went out for a team in school out of fear of rejection, and I never had many friends. I wasn't very good in school and I didn't try. I'm not a book smart person and never thought it could be changed, until recently. I'm constantly surrounded by people who are in school or wanting to better them selves and very thankful for that. If these people that I'm surrounded by never wanted to better themselves I probably wouldn't be upset about being denied acceptance to WVU. I think WVU is a great college, not because it's a party school but because the unity you feel just walking around campus is overwhelming, I really feel like i could excel in this environment, but sadly I will not be attending the spring semester as I had planned.

        Rather than being upset and letting it drag me down I've decided to use it as fuel, something to push me into being a better student and let it build me to figure out what I want in life. Hopefully things work out to my advantage, and if not... it won't stop me. I moved out of my house, I'm an independent woman now, nothing can bring me down and I know my accomplishments only need to be proven to myself. Yes I wanted to be able to go home and say "Hey, guys I did something good" but you know what, my family loves me and is proud of me for doing everything on my own, and so am I.
I'm still gonna love and support WVU regaurdless of where I am. I fell in love, this school is the underdog and they have a place in this Florida girl's heart.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

An Update via Pictures

i'm not too sure what to name this post. its more along the lines of an update threw pictures.
Amanda and I before heading downtown on Halloween.
We stormed High street with grace.  

Amanda and I taking a selfie with the best barback,Greg at McClafferty's

Me freezing my butt off heading to work.
Yeah we known the Gingerbread Man
Bre, Julie and I on my birthday/Game Day. 
The best ladies to party with

Me and the beaner

Game Day

Jared, Amanda and I

Smithwicks Irish Ale & Guinness

"Black Magic"
Magic Hat #9 & Guinness

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale & Guinness

So Foamy 

"Girls just want to have fun"

I've also taken into consideration to do Vlogs. I tend to video things when i can with my phone. Maybe I'll Post some videos up on here. I am going to start posting more, so I don't have so much time on my hands. 

Hopefully I can post something very exciting tomorrow but I wont get too into it.

It has been quite the interesting six months since I've moved away to good ol' WV, I am always missing home but being somewhere new and meeting new people make it totally worth being sad every so often. Moving away is a big step, it's hard at first but then other times you don't have time to think about what you left behind. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

State Champs

Last night Amanda dragged me out to Altar Bar in Pittsburgh. We sat in traffic for 2 hrs and finally made it to catch handguns last couple songs. They totally rocked it and got the crowd hyped for State Champs. 

Once they got on stage the crowd lost their shit. I've never seen a band have that much energy to match the crowd. Everyone was just excited to be there, and for this first time listener it was an honor. I can now safely say I will be a very big fan! Here's a couple of photos I was able to snap of lead singer Derek. I was pushed all the way to the side.