Saturday, October 24, 2015

The road to Mumford and sons.

These are the pictures I took and edited from the trip me and Amanda took! 
We had a chance to go see Mumford and sons( our favorite band ever) and we took it. It was the best experience ever. These are the times I will be able to look back and say yes I lived a full life. 

I also want to say that I learned what family is. I've definitely grown up a lot in since moving away from home. And I miss my mom and dad all the time but the family I rarely get to see makes me so happy to be related to them. I got to see my aunt Effie, she let us stay in her house when we needed to crash there. She is such a great woman. And I also got to see my grandpa who I only see once a year. They cared about how I've been and weren't demanding of time with me. Even though I could've spent like a whole month with them. I miss them. 

Family is going to help you no matter what. They may be stubborn or hard to understand but they were put in your life for a reason. We don't get to choose our gaurdian Angels. 

We also made a trip up to NYC to visit Amanda's brother Ryan. It was great to see him. He showed us Cony island and made sure we had a good time. 


Friday, October 2, 2015

Sappy post from the girl with stitches

Hellloooo everyone 

Recently I've been glued to the couch and my bed because of an injury I received while running. The short version(that I tell all my tables) I went for a run,tripped,fell,and split my knee open and had to get stitches. I would just like to say thanks to my tables(except one guy) for being kind and not demanding of me as I gimped around the restaurant when I could. 

So Sunday, when I got stitches at MedExpress I opted to work my shift even though I was in a lot of pain, I pushed on as much as I could. It sucks when you are proud of being somewhat independent and then all of a sudden need the help of everyone around you. I try not to ask for much in my life, I actually hate asking for anything, but everyone has helped me out so much which tells me I am surrounded by good people here. Gabby (co-worker/ and great friend) literally did everything for me at the end of my shift on Sunday when I couldn't walk anymore. Jessy, who got me my job at varsity, pushed me around in a swivel chair downstairs so I could do my end of shift stuff. And Bree, who has turned into one of my best friends, took a shift for me tonight, even though she wasn't feeling well. It makes me happy to know I have people willing to help me. 

I'm also extremely thankful to Amanda, who had to clean me up when I got in the house after my fall. She gets me drinks and food when I need something. I also got the chance to go visit my boyfriend, Darren, over by philly for a day. I have to say he is a keeper because at one point in time he carried my purse for me. 

Anyways here's a collection of photos I've gathered over the summer, and the start of football season. 
I got to go see Mumford and Sons in Toms River, NJ.
I got to meet JT Thomas, the Giants linebacker
I finally made it to Centrilia, PA
I went to Pittsburgh,PA for the Fourth of July 
My dad finally came to visit me
I'm cool enough to have a boyfriend now

I'd say it's been a good couple of months