Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Karma does come back.

Earlier today Dylan and I helped push cars up our road, its a very big hill you have to drive over in order to get to the two apartment complexs over there. A bunch of cars were stuck at the bottom and caused a pill up(oh by the way it finally snowed)! A hand full of us help people out of the way, and did our good deed for the day, I now know to keep shoe picks in my car, along with a shovel.  Then I got called into work!

The past couple nights I picked up shifts that some of the girls at my job couldn't work, because we all have those days where we just can't get there. I had been making less than I thought I would be on those nights and was very apprehensive about picking up a shift tonight, because it had just snowed a couple inches and I didn't know what to expect.

When I got there Rach said that she hadn't had a table yet, this was at 4:30. About 10 mins later we got our first table for the night shift! Two guys who walked over to have a couple drinks. Since they were the only ones that were in the restaurant we soon got a group discussion going. About 20 mins later I got my first table; a father and his sons getting together to enjoy each others company on the snow day. Slowly others started to stagger in. I had 3 friends who hangout and talked for a bit, a regular who knows his beer, a couple and their friend.

Every customer I came in contact with today, despite the snow, was very happy and kind. There was mindless conversation between them and I. That's what makes me love my job, being able to serve people that enjoy being there. People who can have conversations with me. I love it! It makes me very happy to be a server some days, and other days I just like laughing at people who are mad at everything.

As I was cashing out a table I looked down at the tip line, thinking the guy made a mistake I looked up to see if i could catch him to ask him about it. He was gone. A very kind, generous, understanding, guy tipped me $45 on a $16 check. 16! That has never happened before! I was so overwhelmed with happiness and shock that I started to cry, I really started to cry! I hope he knows how much he made my day. After worrying about not making any money this guy did it in one tip. Thank you sir, who ever you are. thank you so very much.

karma really does come back to you. spread good karma even on your worst days.