Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Visiting home

I visited florida for the first time in seven months and for the first time I was so exstatic to be back. I finally felt like I was coming home. Through out the years of traveling with my mom and gram or my dad and everyone else i always dreaded coming back home. I felt I was missing out on something new and exciting. The past two years were the most I've traveled and everytime I came home to the same town where the same car sat at the same house where I slept in the same room on the same bed, and everytime I felt more left out on what the world had to offer. Now I want everyone that reads this to understand that I love my family very much, both sides of them. I also want everyone to know that my family has been so supportive of everything I've chosen to do in my life, even if they don't agree with some things I do they've always supported me in my dreams. so when I say "same" I don't mean it in a crazy negative way I mean that I craved change with all my heart. A change of pace, and boy did I get it by moving to morgantown, but back to where I visited home.

Florida never felt better, regaurdeless of the weather and the fact that it didn't warm up until 3 days into my trip, I had a blast seeing all my loved ones.(even though I complained to my parents about how I was so tired) I was so happy I got to see the people I did see and for the ones I didn't get to see I will see you the next time I promise. But anyways, I didn't realize how many people actually liked me. I never felt like I was very popular with people, but I truly was surprised at who made an effort to see me. I didn't take many pictures but I did manage to snap a couple and I wish I documented this trip a bit better but I was just too happy to see everyone that I didn't pay much attention to my phone. I was enjoying being in the now. 
My grandma recently found out what a selfie is and I stopped counting at 15 everytime she asked to take a selfie. It's seriously the cutest thing ever 
My mom and gram are my ride or dies(that means you will always be there for me, gram!) I love them so much and miss them everyday. It's weird not living with them but I know where my home is thanks to them.

Mollie while she was at work(at my favorite place ever. Please send me food Tijuana flats🙏). I'm so proud of my little cousin and even though I'm older than her and should be giving her advice, she keeps me on track of where I should be in life and keeps me grounded. 
Got to see Travis and Emily. Seriously my favorite couple in the entire world, how em puts up with this knuckle head I have no idea but they are perfect together!  Also Travis is that older brother who wants the best for me and he helped me keep a straight mind when I decided to move. Thank you both of you for being in my life
Jake who is literally going to kill me when he sees I posted this picture. I'm sure I'll get a- oh there's the text now! I'm so exstatic I got to see this babe. For those who don't know me and jake dated and I love him with all my heart. He is a one of a kind guy who I'm so glad is still in my life even if it's not how we used to be we know what we are and that's all the matters. He also supports me in everyway possible and is one of my best friends in this entire world. Thank you for putting up with me.
Found this golden picture. This is my step sister and I love her
Possibly the best brother ever. I'm so proud of him for everything he's accomplished in life and is planning on doing. He's an inspiration to me when I have none. Thank you for all the laughs we've had
Candace is someone who really knows how to laugh, knows how to get over the bad and keep going even if it's hard. I'm so fortunate that fate brought us together as coworkers and even more fortunate that she's my friend. She's so supportive and gives the best advice and I want nothing but the world for this girl because she's been through the world and she deserves it. 

Not pictured is Shyann, my coworker/ partner in crime. She's always been there for me and I'm glad we survived Jojos together. She's supported me through the years and I'm so thankful to have her. 

Also not pictured (which I'm really upset about) is my dad. I regret not getting a picture with him because I miss him a lot, he's my dad and I'd be lost without his wisdom. He advises me on what to do and even though we don't always meet eye to eye on things I know you mean well and I won't admit it but I sometimes ( not all the time!!) take his advice.
Visiting home truly made me appreciate what I had and to think I'm growing up is very scary but also what I've wanted all my life. I have my good days and my bad days but I know that I have loved ones that care about me and I'm very happy about that. 

So now it's Christmas and I'm watching the Christmas episode of South Park and it's like I'm 5 and waiting for Santa. It's weird to think that's what I remember from my childhood is sleeping in my parents bed and turning the tv on to south park.

Happy holidays. Enjoy it with your loved ones and if you aren't with them keep them close to heart. Be thankful for what you have and don't be a prick about it. 

Happy festivus people

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sierra Nevada Celebration

We finally got this beer in at my job, thank god! I've been waiting and like all good things it ces with time. 
Celebration is a IPA. with a great hoppy taste. You can defiantly taste the citrus, and malt undertone. In love with it. It has a 6.8% abv. Defiantly a IPA for the season. If you love your hoppy beer with an even hoppier after taste this is your beer. You can smell the pine aroma  it's like Christmas in a cup. If you ever get a chances to try it go for it. Defiantly something to put in the book of experience.